It’s no secret that Steffi and I are huge Disney fans. In fact, just a couple of weeks ago we were on a Disney Cruise with our kids and got a heavy dose of Disney magic. It was such a joy seeing their faces light up whenever one of the characters was in sight. Disney are masters at creating those special experiences for the whole family. With each moment, I thought about how lucky we were to enjoy it together as a family. And how amazing it would be to give foster kids some Disney magic to brighten their special day?
This is exactly what we were able to do for one special child. Zach is in the Charleston County foster care system, but is staying at MUSC because he has a terminal illness. He has been told he has 3-6 months to live.
We asked our Facebook followers to pitch in to help pay for a ticket to Disney World and some spending money, and within a couple of days we had raised $800. Thanks to the kindness of our donors, Zach will be going to Disney!
And that’s not all…
We will be sending some foster kids to celebrate their birthday at the Disney On Ice performance of Dream Big at the North Charleston Coliseum this week! How amazing is that?! We were so excited when Disney got in touch with us to make this happen.
Here’s to hoping for more Disney collaborations in the future!