A Heartfelt Farewell from Birthdays For All

In the heart of Charleston South Carolina, a simple yet powerful idea took root nearly a decade ago. The vision was clear: to bring joy and celebration to children in foster care who often face challenges that no child should have to endure. Over the years, this vision transformed into a movement known as Birthdays For All, where the spirit of community and generosity flourished. As we reflect on this journey, it’s essential to acknowledge the countless individuals who rallied together, turning small gestures into substantial impacts for children on their special day. However, as with all meaningful endeavors, change is inevitable, and it’s time to share an important update on the future of this heartfelt mission. After 10 years, Birthdays For All will be taking an indefinite hiatus.

Our organization has always been about taking small resources and making a big impact. We have been dependent on the time and energy of just a few volunteers, but it has become unsustainable as life scenarios have changed. Our fundraising efforts have always been passive, relying on word-of-mouth and the organic generosity of individuals. For better or worse, we rarely (close to never) actively asked for money to fund our mission. As a result, we’ve always operated with very low funds, and have mostly self-funded the birthday presents, but this too has become unsustainable.

So after 10 years, it is time to close our doors and move on to other ventures. Birthdays For All has been an amazing experience and we will forever be proud of what we’ve been able to do for so many children in need. We would like to thank everyone who made a donation, celebrated a birthday, bought gifts, delivered gifts, and/or supported us in any way. We are so humbled and grateful for your support over the past 10 years.

As we turn the page on this chapter, we carry with us the memories of countless smiles and joyful celebrations that your support has made possible. While it is bittersweet to say goodbye, we remain hopeful that the spirit of giving will inspire others to continue the work of bringing joy to those in need. Thank you for being an integral part of our journey; your kindness has made a lasting impact that we will cherish forever.

Here are some great local organizations who are doing great work for children in need:

COVID-19: Confidence within the Chaos

It is no secret that COVID-19 has caused enough chaos to make 2020 feel like a never-ending nightmare. However, even with new challenges, the Birthdays for All community has continued making dreams come true. 

We achieved our goals this year due to our amazing support system that is continually growing and helping the hearts of so many across South Carolina. The Birthdays for All team started the year by expanding into covering all foster children in Berkeley County. While growing our community’s virtual platform, we also covered all of the birthdays submitted to us by DSS.

Our greatest challenge this year was keeping up momentum while ensuring the safety of our team by adhering to COVID-19 policies. While in-person events came to a pause, our ability to help others did not. By pivoting to online signups, our community can still donate, buy gifts, sponsor a month, and of course, spread the word! 

Getting to see smiles on kids’ faces makes it all worth it. We will be updating event schedules as soon as possible on birthdaysforall.org, and cannot wait to see you back in-person. Until then, keep continuing to make this community strong and gracious, it truly is what you do best.

What a year!

It goes without saying that 2020 has been a year like no other. As an organization, Birthdays For All has been impacted like millions of others and have had to adapt to what has become the new normal. Since the beginning of the initial quarantine in March, we haven’t been able to get out in the community as much as we liked, with our giving trees, wrapping parties, and other events. Some group homes have had to streamline their birthday celebrations and have asked for gift cards instead for easier distribution. However, we have still continued to fulfill our mission to provide birthdays presents to children in foster care each month in the best way we can and we are incredibly grateful for the support we have received.

Huge thanks to Obviouslee Marketing, Thomas Hutton, CarMax, Sunrise Presbyterian Church, Mason Prep School and Asten Johnson for supporting us during this crazy time and enabling us to continue to give presents to the children we serve.

A special mention goes to the friends and family of the late Victoria “Tori” Mele who gave so generously in her memory.

We’re so thankful to have such an amazing community who have continued to support our cause during a difficult year.

Today is Giving Tuesday, which is another opportunity for you to join this global giving movement which started in 2012. We would be delighted for your consideration to support Birthdays For All and enable us to continue our work to improve the lives of the children in foster care.

  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa

Giving back on Giving Tuesday

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family, friends, and loved ones. Steffi and I always look forward to this time of year to celebrate with our family and eat lots of food. We recognize that we are incredibly lucky and privileged to have family around (at least the ones who live in the U.S) to celebrate.

After Thanksgiving, I got sucked into the Black Friday hysteria. I did it again yesterday on Cyber Monday. I must admit, I can’t resist a good bargain. I love going online to find the best deals, and of course I spend too much money on things that I probably don’t really need, but I convince myself that now is the best time to buy. And so I do.

Well today is Giving Tuesday, the global movement to inspire people to give back and transform their communities and the world. Giving Tuesday was launched in 2012 as a reaction to the increasing consumerist culture that is taking over our lives. Over the past seven years, Giving Tuesday has inspired hundreds of millions of people all over the world to give and celebrate generosity.

For me, Giving Tuesday serves as a reminder that there are many people who don’t have the same experience as me during the holiday season. As of June 30th 2019, there were 4,584 children in state custody. These children can’t spend time with their families on Thanksgiving. They can’t spend time searching for deals during the Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales.

So today, I hope you will join Giving Tuesday movement and give a little back to the initiatives you care about. We would be delighted for your consideration to support Birthdays For All and enable us to continue our work to improve the lives of the children in foster care in South Carolina by celebrating their birthdays.

  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa




August Donor Spotlight: Dietrich Speech and Language Services

As a small nonprofit run by volunteers, we depend on the support of the community to help us with our mission. This August, we want to thank Kristen Dietrich from Dietrich Speech and Language Services.  For the past 3 years, in honor of their daughter’s birthday, Kristen and her husband Andrew asked their friends and family to donate to Birthdays For All in lieu of birthday presents. This year Kristen decided to take her support a step further by hosting one of our Balloon Trees at her office. Dietrich Speech and Language Services and her team are hosting one of our Balloon Trees for the next few months to ensure that the children we serve get their birthday wishes. They will also be donating a dollar to Birthdays For All in honor of each of their patients’ birthdays.

We are so grateful to all of our supporters who have allowed us to continue to grow and deliver more birthday presents across South Carolina.

Birthday Cards For All

birthday cards from JM Design Co

JM Designs Co. is a Michigan-based design company that specialize in hand-crafted stationary. They have a beautiful line of hand drawn birthday cards and just launched an awesome program to help us deliver more birthday cards to children in foster care.

At Birthdays For All, we strive to provide the full birthday experience to the children in foster care. Many of the children we serve are living in group homes, where resources are scarce. A thoughtful birthday card is a crucial part of that experience and serves as an important reminder of how special they are.

We are so happy that JM Designs Co have chosen to support Birthdays For All by sending us their beautiful cards on a regular basis.. For every card they sell, a card will be donated, so that we can make the birthday experience even better for the children we serve.

You can also help us by using our unique coupon code when you buy cards from them. Enter BDAY4ALL in the checkout process, and JM Designs Co will donate 20% of the total amount to Birthdays For All.


Foster Care Awareness Month

May is Foster Care Awareness month. So many people don’t realize there is a huge need for foster parents in South Carolina, or if they know about the need they don’t know what foster parenting entails or would look like for them. One of our Board Members, Sundae Johnson, is a current foster parent and last week she shared a personal and poignant Facebook post that really highlights the need for more foster parents in the Lowcountry.  She is happy for us to share her post here:

So my phone has been ringing off the hook with calls and texts today. Even though we only stated that we would take one foster child at a time, which is noted in our file, I still get flurries like today…… It started out like this…..
Could you take an 11 year old girl- even if just for the weekend?
No. I’m sorry. I don’t even have a vehicle big enough to transport another child in and my husband is out of town with the big car. ( Yes- you lucked out Mike Johnson!)
Then the response went something like this….
Please! We got 10 kids today that are just sitting in the DSS office and we need to find someone to help take these kids.
This is why the supply / demand for group homes keeps growing…. there just aren’t enough families willing to step up and help.
There isn’t ever a “right time”, but if you feel like God has called you to explore fostering, then I would encourage you to just take a small step of faith and just make a phone call to get more information.
Every day isn’t easy, but every day is worth it!
And while these kids might “survive” without you- isn’t the question. They won’t thrive without you!
(I literally just got another phone call from DSS, as I’m getting ready to hit “post” on this message….. it went like this… and this is after I’ve already told them I don’t even have a car big enough for another child right now.
Me: Hello
DSS: Ms Johnson? How are you?
Me: Good- how are you?
DSS : “DESPERATE…….is there any possible way you can help us with these children?”…….)Every one person or family that decides to foster, can make a lasting impact on the life of one or more children…… opening up your home to a child in need….and LOVING them, could mean the difference between being bounced around from place to place and eventually winding up being a statistic OR them growing into self confident adults, ready to head out into the world one day.
Children don’t go into foster care because they are bad kids, they go into foster care because they have parents who make bad choices. These children or babies have been abused, neglected or abandoned. They are often removed without warning, by police. They leave their homes scared and often with only the clothes on their backs. Sometimes they show up without shoes on their feet.
Then they are taken to a DSS office, where many workers know it’s not in the child’s best interest to bond with the worker, so they don’t hold the child’s hand or hug them and tell them it will be ok, because if the child attaches to someone they may only see for a few hours, they will feel further traumatized to be taken away from that worker as well.
So what do the kids do?
They wait while a placement team starts going down a list of foster parents in the area- looking for someone who has an open “bed”. And when their are not enough open beds, like today, they start going down the list begging people to take another child because if they don’t find a foster family, then the child winds up in a group home or they could wind up getting moved hours away, which just makes their case that much harder…… siblings get split up, the kids get “visits” with their families less often and reunification can just take that much longer.
And all the while, as these phone calls are being made, the child just sits and waits….. scared, not knowing where they will sleep that night.
Often they might find someone who can just take the child for a few nights….. just giving them more time to find a more permanent situation….. which just creates one more unnecessary traumatic event and move for the child.
This could go on multiple times for a single child.Folks….. there is such a need for foster homes!
Consider it!
Help spread the word… I bet there are more people than you think, who aren’t really familiar with foster care or the need!Did you know???
It costs you almost nothing to get a foster license?
You could have your foster license in about 6 months?
The process to become a foster parent is actually fairly easy?
There are tons of local and online support groups and ongoing training classes that you can take to help continue to learn how to help these kiddos, so you aren’t doing it alone?
These kids get Medicaid,so their health insurance is covered?
There is a small monthly stipend given, to help cover expenses for the child……..even a small quarterly clothing allowance?
Foster children get free breakfast and lunch in public schools.
There are local organizations who will help provide free clothing and services for foster children.

This doesn’t mean that everything gets covered….. it doesn’t. But I’m sharing this because I honestly didn’t know any of this and I know there may be some people who might be interested in fostering, but they don’t do it because they have more limited resources.
Feel free to message me if you are interested in just getting some information on fostering!
( Or if you’re in SC, call Heart Felt Calling to get information 1 (888) 828-3555 / email them at Heartfelt@heartfeltcalling.org )
Also let me know if you’re interested in opportunities to help your local foster community or foster families!…….. If you’re not interested or able to foster, you can still help in other ways!
It takes a village!
Be the change!



Foster children in South Carolina increases by 45%

Birthdays For All was inspired by a series of articles from the Post and Courier about the state of foster care in South Carolina. It’s an honor to have Steffi interviewed in a recent article, but unfortunately, the story isn’t a happy one. Between 2012 and 2018, the number of children entering the Department of Social Services system increased from 3,100 to 4,600, according to data published by the Chronicle of Social Change.

The articles in 2015 told the story of the lack of foster parents that have led to more children being kept in group homes across the state. In 3 years, the situation has gotten worse, with more kids needing homes, but still not enough foster families to take them.

These kids often arrive at the group homes in bad circumstances, with no time to gather their belongings. The resources available are limited, which means they don’t get enough individual attention to celebrate a birthday. It’s our mission to make sure every child gets to celebrate their birthday.

We know that the problem won’t be solved overnight. But the simple joy of feeling special on your birthday is something we’ve been able to provide to more and more children who need it each year.

We are thankful that we’ve had the support of so many people in the local Charleston community to help us achieve this. People at organizations such as Carolina Ice Palace, Massage Envy in Mt Pleasant, Footlight Players, Little Gym of West Ashley, Ohm Radio and 82 Queen, to name a few, have done amazing things to support our cause.

Please donate help us continue our growth to provide more birthday presents to more children.

Chaos Coffee and Birthdays For All!!

We are so excited to announce our partnership with Chaos Coffee! Not only are they an amazing coffee company (I mean everyone can use a little Unicorn Attitude  in their life) they also truly care about making the lives of foster children a little brighter on their birthdays! This month they are donating a portion of their profits to Birthdays For All! They also have a section of their website dedicated to our mission. This partnership combines two of my favorite things, caffeine and birthday presents!

Chaos Coffee makes delicious coffee, they also make a difference in the community. The founder of Chaos Coffee reached out to me about how our cause was close to his heart. He knew his company could make a difference in the lives of children in foster care and wanted to partner with us to help ensure the children would have happy birthday memories to look back on during an otherwise difficult time. We are so grateful to have the support of Chaos Coffee. When companies have an awesome product and an awesome heart to help we need to support them! Please grab a bag of Inasnutty, Unicorn Attitude and Daredevil today!

If nothing else, y’all have to check out their packaging!  Just look at their mascot for their Unicorn Attitude flavor! #tooadorable #delicioustoo







What’s Your Giving Tuesday Story?

We hope that you had a special time this past Thanksgiving to celebrate all the things that you can be thankful for. Steffi and I spent the day with family, which now consists of lots of young children who got to play and be crazy together. We ate a tremendous amount of food, and still got to take enough leftovers to feed us for the entire weekend. We’re very fortunate to have so much to be thankful for.

November 28th 2017 is Giving Tuesday, the global giving movement that follows Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Giving Tuesday gives us all the opportunity to give back to our communities. This year is the 3rd Giving Tuesday event that Birthdays For All are participating in.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been less than 3 years since we started Birthdays For All. The idea was inspired by a series of articles from the Post and Courier about the state of foster care in South Carolina. The lack of foster parents led to more children being kept in group homes, and do not get enough individual attention to celebrate a birthday. We wanted to make sure every child got to celebrate their birthday.

At the time, the federal statistics showed that in 25% of foster children in South Carolina under the age of 13 were living in group homes, compared to the national average of 4%. Over the past 3 years, the situation has gotten worse. According to a recent article in the Post and Courier, the number of foster children in South Carolina has grown substantially in the past few years.

We know that the problem is incredibly complicated and won’t be solved overnight. But the simple joy of feeling special on your birthday is something we know we can and have achieved for hundreds of foster children. It was an honor to be recognized by an article about Birthdays For All in the Post and Courier earlier this year for what we’ve been doing.

Birthdays For All Post and Courier Article

We are so thankful that we’ve had the support of so many in the local Charleston community to help us with our cause. People at organizations such as Movement Mortgage, Levelwing, Asten Johnson, ObviousLee Marketing and Sol Kitchen, to name a few, have done amazing things to provide birthday presents.

On Giving Tuesday, we hope that you consider joining our own little movement to celebrate every foster child’s birthday in South Carolina. You can define your Giving Tuesday story by making a gift today.

  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa