Ways To Get Involved

Make A Donation
Your donation will help us provide every child in Foster Care and Intensive Foster Care in the Lowcountry with a birthday present.
Donate Now
Buy A Gift
You can buy a gift for a Foster child and deliver it to Blackbaud on Daniel Island, or Obviouslee Marketing in downtown Charleston.
See Wishlists
Sponsor A Month
Ask an organization such as your church or business to sponsor a month of foster children’s birthdays. We can provide the giving tree.
Sponsor A Month
Donate Your Birthday
Ask people to make a gift to Birthdays For All on your birthday with your own personal fundraising page.
Start A Campaign
Volunteer At Events
We regularly have volunteer opportunities to help wrap birthdays presents or help out at our events.
Register To Be A Volunteer
Spread The Word
Tell your friends and family about Birthdays For All on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
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